Monday, April 12, 2010

Sidney's Haven

I had the honor of putting together this nursery for a sweet client that I've worked with for over 6 years. Miss Sidney is one lucky girl to have such a loving and Christian family to grow up in. A, thank you so much for letting me work on this for your family!

*I took these pictures before I completely finished the room. So please ignore any price tags that might be sticking out! I also added a small, clear table lamp and purple and white sheers.

I have no clue why this is turned sideways...ughh!!!
My client chose a Bible verse for both of their kids. For Sidney, they chose Proverbs 3:5 ("Trust in the Lord with all your hear {Sidney} and lean not on your own understanding. In all ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."). They let me create this canvas for her room. The picture doesn't really show it, but those streaks are actually silver streaks light brushed on top.

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