Thursday, December 30, 2010

Pretty please, with cherries on top?

Birthday banners are great, unique baby gifts for only $60!
I know this picture doesn't give you a great idea since I was using a camera phone. But this banner was created for a 2-year-old who will be donning a cherry dress for her birthday, a family tradition for all of their 2-year-old girls. I love fun traditions like that!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Arden's Sign

Custom hand-painted canvas...$50

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Birthday Banners: The Gift that Keeps on Giving

I can't believe that I already painted Benjamin's birthday banner and have it stored away! Can he really be 1 already?

Birthday Banners...$60

Don't forget that birthday banners are great alternative gifts that will last forever as opposed to a toy that's played with today and gone tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Artists for Ovaries 2010

Obviously this isn't this best picture...not really sure why it's cut off. Anyway, Artists for Ovaries was another success this year. There was tons of great art from local artists. My stool appropriately went to a local OB/GYN.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Happy birthday, Davo!

I had the privilege of painting this banner for Mary Elizabeth's "best boy friend". Birthday banners make a great birthday gift that will be used for years and years!
Birthday banners...$60

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Artists for Ovaries 2010

Are you looking for:
  • something to do on a Friday night?
  • reasonably priced art from local artists?
  • a cause to support (i.e. ovarian cancer research)?

Join us at:

Friday, September 24th

Above Bill Street Pub in the Rivermarket

Auction will begin at 5:30

Tickets are only $20 per person and can be purchased on the Arkansas Ovarian Cancer website.

I went a little paint happy

My new school asked me and the two art teachers to paint some furniture for the school to help it feel a little more homey. As one of the teachers keeps saying...I love this place!

The table and chair sets above are in the First Grade pod. All of the furniture's colors coordinate with the tile floors.

Each teacher received one of these tables to place outside of their classroom. We were each responsible for painting it with our own design using the school's colors.

This is one of the many "Author's chairs" to be found throughout the school.
This is kind of a close up of the chair.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Welcome, Sam!

This is the bedding that the sign coordinates with.

I love how this is such a small world! A girl that I went to high school with asked me to create this sign to hang on the hospital door after her new nephew arrived. The small world part, though, is that I grew up at church with the daddy. I hope y'all are having fun with Sam! Thanks, Melissa, for thinking of me!

Monkeyin' around

I painted this fun step stool for a fun little girl's room. I love the colors!!! Thanks, T, for letting me paint this!

This is the pillow sham that I matched the stool to.

Busy Summer

I know I've been kind of m.i.a. on my website, but I have been kind of busy (not that being a mommy, switching to a new school, or painting are involved. Ha!). Don't believe me? See below and keep checking my blog...I'm trying to get caught up!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Wild West Birthday

Birthday Banners...$60

OK, I know it's not really the "Wild West", but that's what came to mind when I posted this picture. Birthday banners make great presents for newborns! This customer is giving one to all of her church members with new babies. What a fun welcome! Thanks, SuSu, for including me with a new mom's joy!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Boys need a little help, too

I painted this step stool to coordinate with a friend's playroom for 2 boys. The room is painted blue with green squares randomly painted on the wall. Excuse the terrible photography background!

Step up to the Big Top

I painted this step stool for the winner of Junior League of Little Rock's Bargain Boutique silent auction. She asked me to design it based on the circus themed tent that is pictured above. I love the colors!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Family Signs

Hand-painted sign (12x12)...$30
Not sure why this is sideways...ugh!!! I painted this for my parent's 36th anniversary. The colors compliment their kitchen.

Happy 4th of July!

We had company over at the last minute and I realized I had no Patriotic decor to be found in my house last weekend. I quickly made this sign to hang on my front door. It's really too small for the door, but it did the job with the message I wrote on it.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Summer-inspired birthday banners

Now that's summer here, I've really been inspired by the brighter colors...especially this bright pink.
Miss Megan has a December bday, so her parents typically have a "half-year" bday party instead. Should I have provided a half of a candle? Ha!
I can't believe that my sweet niece is already a year old! I guess I should start working on Benjamin's! This isn't the best pic, but the cake colors are lime green, yellow, and purple.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Here's your sign

Sorry for the Reneck reference in the title, but it's what came to mind. :) All of these signs were painted on 8x8 canvases and hung with coordinating ribbons for $15.
Anyway, I made the first three signs for end-of-the-year teacher gifts. One of the teachers loved polka dots, so that was easy for me!

This was a going-away gift for a friend of mine.

I needed something simple and sweet to add to a bookshelf in a room I recently decorated, so I thought these sweet footprints would be perfect!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Summer is on it's way

Since school is almost over this year, I plan to focus more time on my kids and Deesigns by Erin. Hopefully, my turn around time will pick up, too! Please let me know if you have anything in mind that you would like me to create. I've had a few teachers talk to me about some ideas for their classrooms next year. I hope these plans come to life!

{Waiting List}
  • Sangalli
  • Ross
  • Young
  • Owens
  • You're next

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Scripture/Name Canvases

16x20 Canvas
The picture doesn't really show it, but the streaks are actually silver strokes lightly brushed on. Scripture canvases can be customized to any color scheme and scripture.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sidney's Haven

I had the honor of putting together this nursery for a sweet client that I've worked with for over 6 years. Miss Sidney is one lucky girl to have such a loving and Christian family to grow up in. A, thank you so much for letting me work on this for your family!

*I took these pictures before I completely finished the room. So please ignore any price tags that might be sticking out! I also added a small, clear table lamp and purple and white sheers.

I have no clue why this is turned sideways...ughh!!!
My client chose a Bible verse for both of their kids. For Sidney, they chose Proverbs 3:5 ("Trust in the Lord with all your hear {Sidney} and lean not on your own understanding. In all ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."). They let me create this canvas for her room. The picture doesn't really show it, but those streaks are actually silver streaks light brushed on top.

Pink and green birthday

All birthday banners include 18 candles, a dowel rod, and a coordinating ribbon to hang your banner anywhere.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pretty in pink

This isn't a great picture, bit this sassy wipe container is trimmed with hot pink velvet and accented with a satin hot pink ribbon.
Wipe containers...$20
Travel wipe containers are perfect to throw in your purse for a quick clean-up!

Monday, March 22, 2010

A happy customer!

Mason's mommy sent me this picture of him stepping right up and brushing his teeth after he got his step stool. I'm glad that I'm able to contribute to dental hygiene!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

A small step for a big boy

I love how this stool turned out, but the pictures don't do these colors justice! The harlequin pattern on top is the same green as the green stripe on the sides. A friend asked me to paint this for her two-year-old's birthday. I tried very hard not to put any polka dots on this one, but somehow red dots appeared on it anyway. ;) AC, I hope that this stool will provide much happiness to M's teeth brushing!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Need a baby shower gift?

All wipe containers are padded on both sides and contain a coordinating trim. These make great baby shower gifts for only $20!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Goin' to the chapel...

I painted this for a very patient customer. She asked me a while back to create something that would have her new married name on it. Her only requests were to use her wedding colors and do something similar to the growth chart I painted last year. J, thanks for being so patient and I wish you a happy wedding!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Boys can have style, too

Here are some wipe containers that I recently did for some boys. I have a few others that I'm working on and will be posting soon. Stay tuned for some camo!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Cocoa Couture

I had so much fun painting this chair! I painted the chair to coordinate with the bedding. I hope little Miss Ella is able to grow into her chair someday and enjoy! ;)