Obviously this isn't this best picture...not really sure why it's cut off. Anyway, Artists for Ovaries was another success this year. There was tons of great art from local artists. My stool appropriately went to a local OB/GYN.
I don't personally monogram (YET), but I have great connections!
DEESigns by Erin
Thanks for checking out DEESigns by Erin! As most of you know, I have a degree in interior design, but am currently teaching school. I love designing, decorating, or creating things for others! My hope is to create some things for you or your friends to enjoy, then spread the word to others, so that I can eventually stay home with my sweet kids and create more wonderful things for you all! I hope you like what you see. If you don't see anything on here, but have something in mind, please email me at edees7@yahoo.com.