Mason's mommy sent me this picture of him stepping right up and brushing his teeth after he got his step stool. I'm glad that I'm able to contribute to dental hygiene!
I love how this stool turned out, but the pictures don't do these colors justice! The harlequin pattern on top is the same green as the green stripe on the sides. A friend asked me to paint this for her two-year-old's birthday. I tried very hard not to put any polka dots on this one, but somehow red dots appeared on it anyway. ;) AC, I hope that this stool will provide much happiness to M's teeth brushing!
I don't personally monogram (YET), but I have great connections!
DEESigns by Erin
Thanks for checking out DEESigns by Erin! As most of you know, I have a degree in interior design, but am currently teaching school. I love designing, decorating, or creating things for others! My hope is to create some things for you or your friends to enjoy, then spread the word to others, so that I can eventually stay home with my sweet kids and create more wonderful things for you all! I hope you like what you see. If you don't see anything on here, but have something in mind, please email me at